The Emmaus Haven Community Built a New Backyard!
Our incredible community came together and helped us renovate recently. Our friends at Mustard Seed Missions helped us construct a beautiful new shed. Locals from the community teamed up with a Catholic youth work-group from Erie to lay down a perfect patio. Look how great it turned out!

The team hardened the ground, set up the framing, laid in the rebar, and then poured and carefully screeded the concrete.
The shed was then torn down, and rebuilt and sided beautifully. We can’t thank our community enough for all the hard work they put in to make our backyard a great place for everyone to relax, catch a breath, and get some glorious sunshine!

We graciously ask that you join our email newsletter, so we can celebrate success stories, illustrate the struggles and strengths exhibited during homeless transitioning back to permanent housing, and update you on our constantly developing mission to make homelessness brief and non-reoccurring in Venango County.
If you’re not interested in signing up for our newsletter, but still want to be involved with Emmaus Haven of Venango, just give us a call at:
We’re happy to accept help in the many forms that our beautiful community offers. Thanks for reading this far, and have a wonderful day!